Monday, June 29, 2009

Spider Veins and how to treat them

What are spider veins?

Unfortunately, almost all individuals will develop spider veins at some point in their lives. Spider veins are easy to recognize. They have a central dark spot with many fine bluish lines radiation from the center. Spider veins are tiny. Some people develop a few spider veins and others have many spider veins. It is estimated that nearly 75% of adult women will develop spider veins after the 3rd/4th decade of life.

Where do spider veins occur commonly?

Spider veins are more common in women and can occur on any part of the body. Usually they are found on the face, back of thighs and buttock area. While the exact cause is unknown, spider veins are linked to increased pressure in the veins, obesity, excess sun exposure, and plain bad luck.

Are Spider veins harmful?

To get the fact rights. Spider veins are absolutely 100 percent harmless. They are so small that they never ever cause any problems. Any physician or health care professional who claims that spider veins can cause health problems is being dishonest or is ignorant about this disorder and you need to get a new physician. Spider veins are only of a cosmetic concern. Most individuals, esp. women do not like these dark spots because they are obvious and appear unattractive.

Is there a cure for spider veins?

NOPE. There is no cure for spider veins and even with treatment, they can recur again and again. For those who have spider veins on the legs, the best treatment is to wear support hose stockings and try to maintain a reasonable weight. To avoid spider veins on the face, avoid the sun.

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