Monday, June 29, 2009

How to treat spider veins: Part 2

Do spider veins cause pain?

Absolutely not. If you have pain, then the cause is most definitely not from spider veins. Pain , swelling, redness or fever or any other symptoms is never caused by spider veins.

Why do spider veins occur?

The real reason why spider veins occur is not known. Spider veins are very small vessels with very thin walls. Anytime the wall is damaged or the valves inside the vein are damaged, the veins become swollen and conspicuous. Any condition or activity that increases pressure in the veins can then cause spider veins. For example, if one was to gain weight, then spider veins will become prominent just from the increased pressure. Other factors that promote spider veins include prolonged standing, excessive sun exposure, prolonged periods of standing and use of oral contraceptives.

Do spider veins increase with age?

Yes, most people begin to see spider veins in the 4th and 5th decades of life. Spider veins also run in families and so if anyone in the family has spider veins, you are also prone to spider veins.

How do oral contraceptive pills cause spider veins?

It is believe that the female sex hormone, estrogen, can cause weakening or damage to valves in the veins. The valves usually prevent back flow of blood. When these valves are damaged, blood starts to pool in the veins and hence the veins appear dark.

Spider veins also tend to be more common in pregnancy. The combination of weight gain and excess estrogen are the probable cause.

Can spider veins disappear on their own?

Generally, spider veins do lighten up a bit, but never disappear completely. In most cases, spider veins become more obvious with time. Spider veins which develop on the face tend to darken with sun exposure. Other factors that worsen spider veins is lack of exercise, weight gain and a couch potato life style.

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